Thursday, October 13, 2011

I finally found it!

“Deepcore, Deepcore, this is Cab One, Over…”

“Cab One this is Deepcore.  Is that you, Lindsey?

The Abyss is one of my all-time favorite movies.  Large portions of the film were shot 30 feet underwater in a tank that was originally constructed as a containment vessel for a nuclear poser plant.  Construction of the power plant was abandoned and so was Deepcore after filming wrapped.  Well, I finally found it!  Here’s a view from Bing Maps:

I got thinking about Deepcore sitting abandoned at the bottom of an abandoned nuke plant after coming across a collection of up closeand personal photos at RetronautAccording to Wikepedia, Deepcore and the original abandoned nuke plant were demolished in 2007 to make way for a new nuke plant to be built on that site.

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