Sunday, July 15, 2012


I wasn’t feeling well yesterday.  I had a fairly notable headache and my shoulder was killing me.  That combined with the van not being loaded for the flea convinced me to sit out this weekend too.

It might have been less work to set up!

Thankfully the headache was mostly gone this morning though the other aches and pains are still hanging around to a lesser degree.  So having a day where I don’t have to go out anywhere I took the opportunity to do some work in the yard.  When I showed up at the breakfast table wearing my “Uncle Jessie’s” Mum greeted me with “Well. Good morning farmer [Herr].”

Little did we yet realize how close to the mark that might actually be!

So the first order of business was to get the string trimmer working.  The strait shaft head that was on the electric motor from last time was out of string.   I don’t really like the bent shaft trimmer head – but it has some string.  So I swapped the magazine from one to the other and I was back in business.  Even the weeds that were as tall as me were no match for my mechanized deweeder machine.  Can’t really call it a law mower given the shape of the weed-beds…

Speaking of the formally designated weed-beds, they will be going away.  What were flower beds have been completely overrun with grass from what’s supposed to be lawn and weeds.  I now consider them to be a trip hazard more than ornamental gardens.  So the edging will be getting yanked and the whole area mowed.

It turns out that there are two kinds of vines growing in the yard.  One had taken over the tree that makes the side yard useless and had I not got out there to get rid of them today would eventually have killed it.

The other:

Wine on the vine!

I’m no connoisseur so if you can help me out with a positive identification of just what kind of grapes those are I’d me much obliged.  Mum is leaning toward Concord.  But I have no clue.  Here’s the sample I brought in to show Mum:

Oh, and that tree,,,

I have no idea if they are crabby or if they have a pleasant attitude.

Farmer Herr, indeed!  And to think that the park rules contain a no food crops ordinance.  As if I care!

EDIT: Just removed another [expletive deleted] blank video.

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